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Dušica Dražić, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Bo Wielders, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Lou Cocody-Valentino, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Alex Schuurbiers, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Astrid Vandercamere, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Nassim Azarzar, Image: Aurélie Bayad
Shelter of Trust (Ondřej Doskočil), Image: Aurélie Bayad
Marianne Vierø, Image: Aurélie Bayad


Incoming residents 2024


MORPHO welcomes 10 artists from Belgium and abroad for a residency in Antwerp during the first half of 2024.

We offer 3 types of residencies:

  • Development residencies ‣ visual artists from Flanders/Brussels (5 months)
  • Research residencies ‣ artist-researchers linked to academia (3 months)
  • Exchange residencies ‣ artists from the country of our international partners (2, 3 or 5 months)

In spring, from February to June, we welcome these artists:

  • Lou Cocody-Valentino (Brussels) ‣ Development
  • Alex Schuurbiers (Antwerp) ‣ Development
  • Astrid Vandercamere (Brussels) ‣ Development
  • Nassim Azarzar (Rabat) ‣ Exchange x The Mothership
  • Shelter of Trust / Ondřej Doskočil (Prague) ‣ Exchange x MeetFactory
  • Marianne Vierø (Copenhagen) ‣ Research x Thinking Tools Research Group
  • Dušica Dražić and doplgenger (Antwerp and Belgrade) ‣ Research
  • Bo Wielders (Antwerp) ‣ Research

Click their artist pages on the right for more info.
