Vedran Kopljar
°1991, Slavonski Brod, Croatia. Lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.
Wild Card winner 2014. The jury was composed of curators Alan Quireyns (AIR Antwerpen) and Valerie Verhack (Museum M, Leuven) and visual artists Kati Heck and Laure Prouvost.
Both in the series ' Didactische plaatsen’ and in ‘Ter Verering van zompige gronden en schone schijn’, Vedran Kopljar refers in his formal language to already existing objects and practices. Respectively the didactic plates that were used in school during e.g. biology lessons, and a variation on the tools of the mobile shoe cleaner, which we encounter for example in the street scene of Turkey. By referring to these forms, he places his works in a certain framework, to which a certain expectation is also linked and which is ultimately not fulfilled. The didactic plates become carriers of abstract schemes that attempt to depict clichéd philosophical concepts; the shoe polish stand becomes a sculpture that must be maintained by itself. In his work, a visual language is thus created that is highly individual and at the same time evokes references to objects and images that we know from history, not without a witty touch of humor. (by Valerie verhack)
Vedran Kopljar graduated from KASKA with a master's degree in fine arts (painting) in 2014.
Vedran Kopljar can use a workspace for one year and is presented by MORPHO as the winner of the first edition with the exhibition 'Là-bas'.
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