Paz Ortúzar
Paz Ortúzar is an interdisciplinary visual artist and researcher, with a practice in writing and translating. Her work is composed of process-based pieces that use language, time, and found objects as raw material. Her present artistic research is focused on systems of beliefs, feminism, and the hegemonic standardization of knowledge in colonized territories. Through her practice, she seeks to apprehend and question physical, cultural, and spiritual truths.
Paz Ortúzar (b. 1985, Chile) earned a Bachelor in Fine Arts and a Certificate in Latin-American Art Aesthetics (PUC, Chile). She has a Master in Fine Arts with an interdisciplinary focus (UPENN, USA) and an Advanced Master in Artistic Research in a Socio-Political Context (St. Lucas Antwerp). Her work has been exhibited internationally at venues such as Fjord Gallery, Philadelphia and The Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, New York; MUCHA, Mendoza; FRANZ JOSEP KAI 3, Vienna; Goethe Institute, Salvador; Galería Gabriela Mistral in Santiago and RAAT, Antwerp, among others.
- Period
01.04.2021 - 31.08.2021
- Residency
- Link