Oleksandr Sirous
Oleksandr Sirous is a sound and media artist. He works with big data sets and the principles of interaction and communication in web environments, as well as creates complex simulation environments using AI. His background in animation and comics has influenced his practice, leading him to constantly find a non-trivial approach to storytelling and composition in media works. Recently, because of his work with game engines, Oleksandr has turned more and more to the culture of video games and various game mechanics and new rules of interaction, thus finding new approaches at the intersection of the already established approaches in media art and video games.
Oleksandr Sirous (1996, Kharkiv, Ukraine) studied painting and graphics in Kharkiv. In 2018, he was the curator of the new media art course at HudpromLoft and the Kharkiv Academy of Visual Arts. In 2019, he co-founded FRONTIER, a VR and AR festival in Kharkiv, taught the 3D programming course at the Kyiv Academy of Media Arts and curated/resided at Carbon art space in Kyiv. He was nominated this year for the PinchukArtCentre Prize.
- Period
01.04 - 30.06.2022
- Residency