Amber Vanluffelen
1991, lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium
Public space is simultaneously a source of inspiration and the context where the interventions of Amber Vanluffelen take place. Through the use of mimesis Amber Vanluffelen appropriates and presents phenomena she encounters in public space. In order to do so she uses diverse art forms such as installations, photos, video and performance. She documents her actions through video, but sometimes they just happen, in front of an accidental audience, without any documentation at all.
Amber Vanluffelen was invited for the following exhibitions (a selection): Horst Festival, 2017; Circuitd’art, 2016; D.art, Arte Nova, Mechelen, 2016; Born in Antwerp, Antwerpen, 2016; Next level, Art Weekend Antwerpen, 2016; A l’état sauvage, Tronçais, 2016; Le Bruit des Choses, Middelheimmuseum, 2016; De lange nacht, Radio Centraal, Factor 44, 2015; Kunst op de campus, In situ 3, Campus 3 Eiken, Wilrijk, 2015; ISM Traveling advice, BLEEK, Sint-Niklaas, 2014. Amber Vanluffelen won the Prize Horlait Dapsens, 2016; Prize department Insitu 3; Prize of the Middelheimpromotors, 2015.
Amber Vanluffelen is invited to participate in the third edition of STRT Kit.
- Period
01.17 - 12.17
- Residence