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'T_Cyberhol #1

Welcome at the first work session of 'T_Cyberhol. Explore the exciting world of cyborg electronics, infused with the spirit of technofeminism! Together we can shape the future of technology in an inclusive and empowering way, short-circuiting patriarchal and neoliberal technologies.

The work sessions are designed to appeal to both beginners and advanced users. Central to the sessions is getting hands-on technical understanding of chips, circuits, servers old, low, high, big, neuro tech & data. Preferably working with free and open software & open hardware.

Priority to beings who are gender non-conforming, gender dissident, trans, fd, dyke, inter, bi, female, non-binary, or identify themselves CYBERFeministBIOHACKTransBORGS.

Initiated by Joke Caimo & ooooo

Basic Electronics, Soldering & Breadboards with [iris]

  • Introduction to “power”, reading a schematic, transferring a circuit to a breadboard and hence coming into contact with electronic components and their function.
  • Demonstration of soldering techniques and safety precautions.
  • Testing temporary circuits with circuits or trying an experiment.

[iris] is about sound, home made oscillators, circuits, lost and founds, fieldrecordings, cutting and recutting, sonic narratives, produce, performance and dj. Is part of the performance ‘Wuivend Benenkind’, vzw Slakkenhuis and dj Iris.

Bring your own lunch and possibly plugs, laptops, smartphones for research & documentation + also a soldering iron and basic tools if you have them.


Sunday 23 February, 11:00-16:00


toitoiDROME at MORPHO Zendelingen (Zendelingenstraat 38, Antwerp)


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