Carrying a Story
Library Session
The fourth Library Session focuses on how we carry the meaning of a book as well as the object itself. How do we handle them, pick them or put them aside? This session is in collaboration with residents Leen Hammenecker & Rosa Schützendorf and the book archive of Laure Severac.
We will start by reading Storytelling as Gift, Storytelling as Currency by Daniela Bologna and from there go to related texts and topics. We will end the session by making bookbags based on medieval Girdle bags.
Bring a book! Any book you are occupied with at the moment will do. For the bookbags you can bring textile scraps, ribbons and threads. Some basic materials will be provided as well.
→ We have space for 15 people, join the waiting list by filling in the form.
The Library Sessions are organized by Bo Wielders.
- When
Wednesday 4 December 2024, 16:00-19:00
(door closes at 16:15!)- Where
MORPHO Refectory, entrance via Ploegstraat 25