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Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt
Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt
Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt
Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt
Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt
Image: Anne van der Pot, Kunstenpunt


UFO Visitors Programme #1 – Cas-co & Level Five

After a keynote on Infrastructures of care and support for (and by) artists by Danielle van Zuijlen (Kunsthal Gent, NUCLEO), six international artists and curators will briefly introduce themselves and explain which formats or instruments they use to support artists in their daily practice.

Afterwards, you can exchange experiences with the guests around the table and in smaller groups and discuss questions such as: what support do you need to continue and develop your artistic practice? How does the exchange from artist to artist enable your artistic environment? How can organisations aimed at supporting artists play a role in building more sustainable relationships around artistic practices? Can support structures extend from a local to an international scale?

International guests

  • Marie Braad Larsen, residency and project coordinator Art Hub Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Valentijn Byvanck, Director Marres, Maastricht, The Netherlands
  • Marie de Gaulejac, curator and head of residency programme Triangle, Marseille, France
  • Šimon Kadlčák, artist and coordinator residency programme Brno House of Arts, Czech Republic
  • Johanna Markert, curator anorak, Berlin, Germany
  • Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki, artist, curator and founder Yellow Brick, Athens, Greece


14:00 Welcome
14:15 Welcome by Meyboom - Artist run spaces and introduction by Lissa Kinnaer (Kunstenpunt)
14:40 Keynote presentation Infrastructures of care and support for (and by) artists by Danielle Van Zuijlen (Kunsthal Gent, NUCLEO)
15:00 Presentations by the invited international guests
15:30 Discussion in working groups facilitated by UFO partners
17:00 Drink

The programme will be held in English.


Meyboom - Artist run spaces, Pachécolaan 34, 1000 Brussels


The UFO public programme is organised by Kunstenpunt and UFO, platform of studio organisations Cas-co (Leuven), De Tank (Het Entrepot, Bruges), Level Five (Brussels), MORPHO (Antwerp), NUCLEO (Ghent) and Vonk (Hasselt-Genk). UFO actively thinks about sustainable solutions and creative models to keep (and anchor) artists in the city, both on a local and a Flemish level.

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More info

Contact Lissa Kinnaer
