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Antwerp Queer Arts Festival is a multidisciplinary arts festival that thematizes gender and sexual diversity. For the past 9 years, the festival has programmed both local artists and international talent within a variety of art forms: music, literature, film, dance, theater, exhibition, performance.... They work with open calls and have a special interest in new queer talent.

AQAF is more than an arts festival. In collaboration with academia and activists, it creates a space and a platform for people to express themselves and meet others. AQAF is a grassroots initiative. It relies on community support to create the space and representation we need. Your ticket purchase or donations directly support queer performers.

As part of the 2023 program, the festival presents an exhibition at Extra City and MORPHO. At Extra City and MORPHO, all participating visual artists will be brought together in an eclectic group exhibition. The opening night features live performances by Sarjon Azouz at 20:02 and special guest Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz at 21:27. Dziemaszkiewicz is the protagonist of the documentary LEON, which can be seen on Sunday, Aug. 6, at The Cinema.

On Saturday, 26.06, AQAF closes off the exhibition with a live performance by Nina Van Denbempt, followed by an avant-premiere of a video clip by one of their favorite bands and a party with DJ Butchpm!


Sarjon Azouz, Alexandra Fraser, Marijn Kuijper and Nina Van Denbempt

Program Finissage 26.08

18:00 doors
20:00 Performance Nina Van Denbempt (20')
21:20 Introduction and avant-prémiere video clip (20')
22:00 DJ Butchpm


The Refectory (MORPHO) & The Chapel (Extra City)
Entrance via Kunsthal Extra City (Provinciestraat 112)


Opening: Friday 4 August, 17:00 - 23:00
Exhibition: Thu–Fri, 13:00–19:00 & Sat–Sun, 11:00–18:00
Finissage: Saturday 26 August


Free during the opening. On other days included with the purchase of a regular entrance ticket at Extra City.
