

← Overzicht studio’s

Façade with MORPHO's Yasmin waving
Hallway, first floor
Hallway, first floor
WR101, first floor, space of around 25m2
WR101, first floor, space of around 25m2
WR102, first floor, space of around 27m2
WR102, first floor, space of around 27m2
WR102, first floor, space of around 27m2
WR103, first floor, space of around 24m2
WR103, first floor, space of around 24m2
WR104, first floor, space of around 33m2
WR104, first floor, space of around 33m2
WR104, first floor, space of around 33m2
WR105, first floor, space of around 17m2
WR105, first floor, space of around 17m2
WR106, first floor, space of around 73m2
WR106, first floor, space of around 73m2
WR107, first floor, space of around 74m2
WR107, first floor, space of around 74m2
WR108, first floor, space of around 53m2
WR108, first floor, space of around 53m2
WR109, first floor, space of around 17m2
WR110, first floor, space of around 36m2
WR110, first floor, space of around 36m2
WR110, first floor, space of around 36m2
WR111, first floor, space of around 34m2
WR111, first floor, space of around 34m2
WR112, first floor, space of around 27m2
WR112, first floor, space of around 27m2
WR113, first floor, space of around 25m2
WR113, first floor, space of around 25m2
WR113, first floor, space of around 25m2
WR114, first floor, space of around 14m2
WR114, first floor, space of around 14m2
WR115, first floor, space of around 33m2
WR115, first floor, space of around 33m2
WR116, first floor, space of around 53m2
WR116, first floor, space of around 53m2
WR117, first floor, space of around 52m2
WR117, first floor, space of around 52m2
WR117, first floor, space of around 52m2
WR118, first floor, space of around 21m2
WR118, first floor, space of around 21m2
WR119, first floor, space of around 31m2
WR119, first floor, space of around 31m2
Bathroom and sink, first floor




De eerste verdieping van het poortgebouw van dit voormalige ziekenhuis wordt door MORPHO omgevormd tot een twintigtal werkruimten voor kunstenaarscollectieven en individuele makers. Studio Stuivenberg zet in op de versterking van de positie van kunstenaars in de stad en stimuleert mee de solidaire spirit op de site door samenwerkingsverbanden met Omarm Stuivenberg en de andere aanwezige culturele partners.


Interesse? Lees de open oproep hier. Kom naar de kijkdag op 13 of 15 januari 2025, om 12u stipt. Meld je hier aan.


708,5 m²




Brent Decraene


Lange Beeldekensstraat 267, 2060 Antwerpen

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