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Performance view of Art Is Work by Apparatus 22, Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp, Image: Sebastiaan Franco

What is fair? On remuneration in the visual arts

Flanders Arts Institute organises a workshop on fair remuneration and fair practices in the visual arts, at Kunsthal Extra City and Morpho. In small groups we will test the remuneration calculator and then discuss fictitious cases; why is something unfair and how could it be fair?

"You do it out of passion and not for the money", "You are lucky to exhibit for the honour or for the rising market value". These are just some of the statements visual artists often hear. Two thirds of all Flemish visual artists today receive no remuneration for their work. We (as a sector) now want to translate artistic achievements into a fair wage.

But what is a fair wage? How does this fit in with the pursuit of sustainable, solidary, transparent and responsible relationships between artists, curators, producers, organisations, galleries and collectors?

Register for this (free) session via this form. What is fair? is a series of 6 workshops spread over Flanders, all locations can be found via here.

This session will be held in Dutch and English: with a Dutch-language session and a separate English-language session on the remuneration calculator, and one English-language table for the fair practice discussion tool.


Thursday 28.04.2022, 14:00-17:00


MORPHO (The Refectory) & Kunsthal Extra City (Bar)


via Kunsthal Extra City (Provinciestraat 112)